3 Video Strategies Every Law Firm In Orlando Should Follow
/Whitney Media Productions has produced over 300 videos for Clearwater personal injury firm, Jim Dodson Law.
What Will Your Next Move Be?
Professionally produced video is a proven asset to successful law firms all across America. A study by Thompson Reuters revealed consumers visit 4.8 law firm websites on average when searching for an attorney. That number is reduced to 1.8 if they find a firm that has video on their site.
Simply stated, video is more compelling to visitors than text. Video conveys emotion, it tells a story and it builds trust.
While some big firms might consider commercials the route to take, there are many other paths that lead to ROI. Let’s take a look at three that can work well for any size law firm.
1. Educational Web Videos or FAQs
Attorney FAQ videos offer a powerful punch because your practice is benefitting in a couple different ways. Video content in the form of 60-second clips that are released on a regular basis (once a week) will provide a SEO benefit to your practice. SEO or search engine optimization refers to how your website ranks in search results. The higher you rank the more visitors your website will bring in. Your content is one important ingredient in how Google judges your website. The key is embracing a video strategy and not simply just throwing a couple of videos on your website and hope for the best. In the process you’re also establishing your firm as an expert in its field. Sharing information to prospects in these informational videos lends to your authority but it also needs to be done in a manner that makes you likable. Authenticity is the key and its often overlooked by many firms who opt for teleprompters and scripts.
The fact of the matter is people are searching for answers to the questions they have in mind. Is your firm there to answer them? Creating a video library establishes your practice as a leader in your industry. It’s possible to tape up to 20 of these videos in a day. That way you’re making the most out of your time and investment.
2. Client Testimonial Videos
“I could never have negotiated with a hospital the way Jim was able to do so.” These are the words spoken in a client testimonial video we videotaped for Jim Dodson Law, a personal injury firm in Clearwater, Florida. Instead of merely having those words in black and white on their website, we were able to capture the sincerity and fervent manner in which they were stated. Seeing a real person, watching their body language, maybe even hearing their voice break while giving their testimonial…all of these factors resonate with us emotionally when we are visiting a website and hear a testimonial on a company’s product or service. It’s important that the interviews are real and not rehearsed in any manner. The biggest mistake you can make is to do too much coaching or try to rehearse something with a client who wants to provide your firm a testimonial. When our producer/director captures testimonial interviews we carefully plot out our questions well in advance. The testimonial takes on more of a conversational tone and sounds more natural. We recommend that you schedule multiple testimonials with clients during the course of a day so that you are maximizing the process and getting the most out of your investment.
3. About Us/Attorney Profile Videos
You’ve shared information important to practice areas through educational videos, now share information about yourself. Let your prospects get to know more about you. A video that tells your story, or features partners and other key people in a law firm provides visitors another avenue to get to know your firm. When attorneys talk about their family, their upbringing, their firm’s objectives…they come across as real people, and that can make a huge difference for someone trying to make a decision on hiring an attorney. Differentiating your practice from the pack is important. This is a law firm’s opportunity to separate themselves and a way to talk about their culture and dive deep and connect on an emotional level. "Meet the firm" videos provide a perfect outlet for attorneys to talk about ways in which they have helped former clients and what it meant to their clients as well as themselves. When a prospect senses a firm has passion for what they do or their commitment to serving clients, that resonates as well.
Video marketing helps law firms communicate with their prospects. It helps generate leads and brands your firm as a leader in its field. It also provides one avenue to enhance your search engine rankings with Google. Whitney Media Productions is recognized by attorneys and law firms in Florida as a leader in legal video marketing. We specialize in video marketing for practices in Orlando, Tampa and Jacksonville. We can help you create a plan to implement these video strategies. Send us a message or give us a call today to discuss how we can best serve you.